Royal Irish Constabulary Records

These entries are taken from the manuscript records of the RIC in the PRO, London. The index is only alphabetical under "G" so some could have been missed. I have also excluded those joining 1917 and later from Britain (the Black and Tans)

number name date born native religion other information
    joined   county    
2875 Henry 1837 1818 Kings prot 5'10"tall, rec by M Estrange JP
            pens 1870, cons, served Wexford
2840 Richard 1837   Louth prot pens 1868,cons, settled in W'ford
9416  Stephen 1847 1827 N.Tipp cath occupation servant. girl from Kings Co, served in Kings Co and Kildare, rec by Rev Honan,pens 1872, sub constable
11653 John 1826   Kildare cath labourer on joining, pens 1879
13290 John 1849 1827 Cavan prot served in S Tipp, m. Jan 1860 to
            girl from Cork.pens 1876.sub cons
14183 Jerm'h 1832   Armagh    
17851 James 1853 1828 Dublin cath labourer, sub cons, left for English police
44319 James 1879 1854 Queens cath l abourer,resigned 1879 ill health
45030 Bernard          
50318 Michael          
54938 Bernard          
55199 Alex. 1891 1868 Mayo pres resigned 1892 to return home
55816 Charles 1893 1873 Donegal RC shop assist. m.girl from Donegal
            in 1905, pens 1920, wounded 1913
61775 John 1906 1885. W'ford prot cattle dealer,sergent
62543 John 1907 1886 Wexford RC farmer, served in Tipp
62960 Owen 1907 1884 . Donegal RC farmer, resigned 1913 to go Australia
66319 James 1912 1888 Donegal RC  
66715 Peter     Down RC  
69151 Charles 1917 1896 Donegal RC carpender
Officers (only two Grants listed)      
  Alexander   1802 Cork prot 1st sub inspector,married, died
            27/5/1848 at Clonakilty
  John   1805 Longf'd prot 1st sub inspector,wife from Sligo

From Rosemary Gifford - Tamsyion Katherine Grant was married Nicholas Gifford .. She was the daughter of  Alexander Grant Clonakility Co Cork ( Sub Inspector) . I am  along with Dr Jenny Martin (Historian )finishing of a book on the GIffords ,Glascotts and Symes . The book will be launched in Wexford in June. While we are not focusing in the Grants Tamsyion would have been the sister in Law of my father in laws grandfather Charles Symes Gifford.


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