Elizabeth Powell b. circa 1775

Elizabeth Powell of Templederry, Glenkeen married John Grant ( born 1770, the son of Stephen Grant and Elizabeth Thompson, small Protestant farmers). John would have been born at Drumbane, Moyaliffe (note, Moyaliffe Church of Ireland church was not built until 1790), and lived with his parents there until he married in 1791 at the age of 21. She must have been around 16 years old when she married, as her last child was born in 1821

Where the Caleb Powells lived (see below) in Templederry is actually in Aghnameadle civil parish. But Glenkeen civil parish (where Elizabeth Powell was given as living on marriage), starts not more than a half mile or so from where you find all the Caleb Powell people a few years later. She married in 1791, but Caleb Powell did not arrive in Templederry until around 1825, and his brothers perhaps arrived a few years earlier. There does not appear to be any previous members of the "Caleb Powell" family in this area before the "circa" 1825 date, but one cannot be certain. It can be said that Tipperary was not chock full of Powells and it is an odd coincidence that she was living just where the Caleb Powells settled 30 years later.

Templederry, a parish, in the barony of Upper Ormond, county of Tipperary, and province of Munster, 6 miles (S.E.) from Nenagh; containing 1857 inhabitants. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Killaloe, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the tithes amount to £157. 9. 3¾. The church is a small building in good repair. In the R.C. divisions it is the head of the union or district, comprising also the parish of Kilnanave, in which union are three chapels, two in Templederry and one in Kilnanave. There are six private schools, in which are about 320 children. Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis, 1837

The Templederry Church of Ireland church was built by John (Cullin?) in 1828.

Powells of Templederry

Cindy Wood has enabled me to put together the Powells of Templederry. Though I am still none the wiser as to how "my" Elizabeth Powell fits into these Powells of Templederry. The "Caleb Powell" family came to Templederry around 1825, too late to be related to "our" Elizabeth Powell who married John Grant in 1791. Although on the other hand Caleb himself appears to have been the Powell with the money. Cindy Wood remarks "One thing that has always puzzled us is the amount of money that our Caleb who married Ellen Dagg seems to have had, compared to the other Powells. If you look at all his properties, he had Blean, Ballycrenode, Felix and Garrane. He left Loughisle to his wife who gave it to their son, Henry. Just buckets of the stuff, but we've no idea where it came from!" Caleb married to Ellen Dagg wasn't a landowner, per se. He acquired all these lands originally through leases as you can see from the Primary Valuation records. But by the time he died in 1862, he did own the majority of them. We've only found records of ownership for Felix, in Caleb's name. As well, he was the only one of the men, George, John, Caleb and Henry to have this much money. George and John were comfortable, having control of maybe 30 to 50 acres each, but John's family did not own the lands until the 1911 Land Acts.

The original Robert Powell got his grants of land as part of the Cromwellian redistributions around 1650 in Moanmore in Tipperary. He died in 1674, and in his will names 3 sons, Robert, George and Giles. The eldest of these sons, Robert, had a son Richard Powell, who in turn had a son Robert Powell. This last Robert Powell settled in Clonshavoy, Limerick, who has the name Caleb running through his line (the earliest being a Caleb Powell born circa 1730). The Cromwellian adventurer also had a brother called Giles, who was in Cromwell's army and received grants of land in South Limerick. If one assumes an average of 30 years between generations, then Robert, George and Giles would have been born around 1650, which would put Robert Powell who settled in Clonshavoy, as being born around 1710.

A George Powell (It is unclear how exactly he is related to the Cromwellians above, but they both use the name "Caleb" which is such an unusual name for Ireland that there has to be a connection, the earliest Caleb in this branch was born in the Burges branch around 1760 the earliest in the Clonshavoy, Limerick branch around 1730) had three sons - Caleb, George and John (all 3 of the men named their first sons George. The Christian name Caleb continues in the families of Caleb (married to Ellen Dagg) and John, but it has never found it in George's line, nor have there been many Powells in the area that were not related to this core family). Working back on dates in a similar way, The first George Powell of the family in this paragraph would have been born about 1765. So there would have to be a missing generation to try to link this Powell family to the Clonshavoy branch. "Our" Elizabeth Powell would have been a contemporary of this George Powell, in as much as she would have been born circa 1775.

Caleb Powell who married Ellen Dagg came to Templederry between 1824 and 1825. Prior to that he lived in Burges townland, which is about 5 miles from Nenagh, towards Limerick, on the north side of the road. (The Powell line in Burges and the parish left en masse in the 1820-25 time period. Caleb's sons George and James were the last Powells christened in the Protestant records of that parish, and James was christened in 1823.) Cindy Wood suspects he followed his brother George to the area. As well, they had another brother, John, who settled 3 miles west of Templederry area, in Knockmeale and Curraghleigh. John and George are both believed to be older than Caleb, who has an estimated birth year of 1795, based on his age as recorded in his burial record.

Griffiths 1850 is some time after this, but does list 4 Powells. The 3 entries for James Powell in the Primary Valuation are all for the same man, Tooreagh, Garrane and Cloghanan. He was the oldest living son of Caleb Powell and Ellen Dagg, their first born, George died as a toddler. The George Powell in Cloghinch is almost certainly the brother of Caleb Powell who married Ellen Dagg.

Templederry townlands

After their marriage, they move to Shinrone, where most of the family are raised. Given that the marriage was in 1791, and that the first children appear in 1801 in Shinrone, then I believe that there must have been several other children born in Moyaliffe before the move. Lack of Moyaliffe records precludes the gathering of any information on them.

Family Fan Chart